What is Anonymized (aka Cookieless) Tracking?
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    What is Anonymized (aka Cookieless) Tracking?

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    Article summary

    Anonymized tracking (also known as cookieless tracking) is a way to capture some information about visits to your page without needing to store user-identifiable data for them. In this way, it acts as a safety net for when visitors turn down your request to store cookies.

    What are the benefits?

    • Some data is better than no data! You can still collect some data for your pages while also protecting the anonymity of visitors

    • Fill in the gaps for anonymous visitors in your campaign and page performance reports. Even though user-identifiable cookies are deactivated, you will still benefit from key analyses, including Classic analyses (Traffic, Page performance, Product performance, Marketing, Referrer, and Technical analyses), Attribution analyses (if the last click is used), and Path analyses (if within a session)

    What are the drawbacks?

    • The data is less specific and actionable than cookie data. It’s not possible to track across sessions, making it harder to segment users, measure new versus returning, or build a profile. Therefore, this type of data can’t be used to target visitors for marketing campaigns and other activation goals

    • Less meaningful data for analysis such as customer journeys, cohorts, funnel (process) analyses, customer micro-and macro-behavior

    Supported Analysis and Features

    Anonymized Tracking

    Normal Tracking

    Page Performance

    Product Performance

    Marketing & Campaigns

    Origin & Referres


    Cross-Session Identification

    Customer Journeys

    Segments (Visitor-scope)

    Analyses with Visitor-Scope Filters

    User-related information (URM)


    Who should use Anonymized Tracking?

    Anyone who is concerned about accurately tracking traffic with Mapp Intelligence. Whether this is because the user doesn't agree to cookie-based tracking, or you don't want to offer cookie-based tracking.

    How does it work?

    The fingerprint ID is formed from the IP and user-agent. This fingerprint is only used to hold the current session together. 

    What about on Mobile?

    It works the same as web tracking! Instead of an everID, the parameter nc=1 is sent if anonymous tracking is enabled. For mobile SDK specifics please see iOS Anonymous Tracking and Android Anonymous Tracking.

    How do I implement Anonymized Tracking?

    The implementation is very simple; all you need to do is enable the feature in our platform and implement the pixel on your website. You can find the documentation here.

    Please reach out to your Customer Sucess or Account Manager to ask about implementing anonymized tracking on your pages.

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