Which Predictions are provided by Mapp Intelligence?
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    Which Predictions are provided by Mapp Intelligence?

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    Article summary

    Predictions are part of the Mapp AI package and are used to make forecasts based on user behavior.

    • What is the likelihood that a specific visitor will never return to the website?

    • What is the likelihood that a specific visitor will buy something during one of the subsequent visits?

    • What order value will a specific visitor generate with his next order/in the next 30 days/lifetime?

    This information is relevant to derive individual marketing measures.

    • The costs of marketing measures should not exceed the expected profit.

    • Only spend money on customers with high potential!

    A self-learning system continuously analyses influences and considers them for calculation.

    • The system is configured individually for each customer.

    • In the first 2-3 months, in particular, the predictions are automatically adapted on a customer-specific basis.

    Various criteria are analyzed:

    • Number of visits

    • Number of orders

    • Purchases/visit

    • Visit duration Avg

    • Page impressions/visit

    • Product views/visit

    • Value of product views/visit

    • Order value Avg

    • Order value

    • Days since first/last visit

    • Days since first/last purchase

    The following prediction metrics and dimensions are available:

    Available as






    Churn Probability

    User – Predicted Churn Probability % (interval 10)

    Indicates how high the probability is that a visitor will not revisit the website.


    User - Predicted Churn Probability %


    Conversion Probability

    User – Predicted Conversion Probability % (interval 10)

    Indicates how high the probability is that a visitor will buy during one of the subsequent visits.


    User – Predicted Conversion Probability %


    Order Value

    User – Predicted Order Value Next 30 Days

    The predicted order value that a user will generate in the next 30 days.


    User – Predicted Next Order Value

    The predicted order value that a user will generate in his next order.


    Customer Lifetime Value

    User – Predicted Customer Lifetime Value (interval 50)

    The predicted order value that a user will generate in addition to the already measured order value.


    User – Predicted Customer Lifetime Value


    • To calculate the churn probability, all needed is for each page to be tracked in Mapp Intelligence.

    • To calculate the other probabilities, orders, and products have to be measured as well.

    Calculating the churn probability


    Day 1

    Five percent of visitors return to the website on the day of the first visit.
    The churn probability on day 1 is: 100 % – sum of all returning visitors (Day 1 – Day 8) = 100 % - 22 % = 78 %

    Day 2

    Seven percent of visitors return to the website one day after the first visit.
    The churn probability on day 2 is: 100 % – sum of all returning visitors (Day 2 – Day 8) = 100 % - 17 % = 83 %

    The overall churn probability considers when visitors were last active on the website.

    Individual behavior patterns are now considered in the calculation.

    For example:

    • Visit duration Avg

    • Page impressions / visit

    • Number of visits

    For example, if there were ten page impressions during the first visit, only visitors with a similar number of page impressions would be included in the calculation.

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