Whiteboard Audience
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    Whiteboard Audience

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    Article summary

    The ​Whiteboard Audience​ start job defines which group of contacts can enter the whiteboard plan.

    The ​Whiteboard Audience​ and ​Import Contacts​ start jobs are only applicable for ​Scheduled​ and ​Recurring​ whiteboards.

    For event-based whiteboards, you define the group or groups of contacts that can enter the plan when you configure your start event.

    General Information​

    The way that you define the group of contacts that can enter your whiteboard varies for each type of whiteboard.

    • The group of contacts that you select is your whiteboard audience.

    • By default, only contacts who have active status in the Engage group can enter the plan.

    • If you ​Import Contacts​ as the first step of your whiteboard, the target group of the import is selected as the whiteboard audience group automatically.


    For Scheduled Whiteboards​

    For scheduled whiteboards, you define when the plan starts and the group of contacts that can enter the plan with a ​Whiteboard Audience​ start job.

    When the start job occurs, all contacts in the defined whiteboard audience begin their journey on the plan.

    Only contacts who are active members of the whiteboard audience group at the moment the first step begins, enter the plan. The whiteboard does not enroll contacts who join the group after the first step on the plan begins.




    Schedules the day when automations on the whiteboard plan become active.


    Schedules the hour and minute when automations on the whiteboard plan become active.

    ​Time Zone​

    Defines the time zone that Engage uses to calculate time on the whiteboard plan. The time zone that you select for your whiteboard audience defines the time zone for all subsequent steps in the whiteboard. By default, the time zone of your Engage system is selected.


    Defines which group of contacts can enter your whiteboard plan. 

    ​Group Membership Status​

    Allows contacts who have active status in the Engage group that you select as your whiteboard audience to enter the plan. Engage checks the status of each contact at the moment that the whiteboard plan activates. 

    ​Is in Segment

    Filters which contacts in the selected whiteboard audience group can enter the plan. Only contacts in the whiteboard audience who match the segment criteria when the whiteboard activates can enter the whiteboard plan. 


    Adds more information about the step. The description is optional.

    For Recurring Whiteboards​

    For recurring whiteboards, you define the group of contacts that can enter the whiteboard plan with a ​Whiteboard Audience​ start job.

    Only contacts who are active members of the whiteboard audience group as the first scheduled step of each recurrence begins, enter the plan. The whiteboard does not enroll contacts who join the group during a recurrence.

    You schedule when your recurring whiteboard starts and repeats in the ​Setup​ panel.




    Defines which group of contacts can enter your whiteboard plan. 

    ​Group Membership Status​

    Allows contacts who have active status in the Engage group that you select as your whiteboard audience to enter the plan. Engage checks the status of each contact at the moment that the whiteboard plan activates. 

    Limit Whiteboard Audience

    This setting is available when the start job in the Whiteboard was Import Contacts. It allows you to decide if you want to add all contacts, or if you want to limit to only recently imported contacts:

    • All Contacts in the Group: adds all contacts.

    • Recently Imported Contacts: add only new contacts from the most recent import. A common use of this option is for the welcome message scenario - you can create a repetitive task for the newly added contacts.

    Is in Segment

    Filters which contacts in the selected whiteboard audience group can enter the plan. Only contacts in the whiteboard audience who match the segment criteria when the whiteboard activates can enter the whiteboard plan. 

    Enrolment Settings

    Select how often a contact can enter the whiteboard - once, or multiple times. Contacts can re-enrol in this whiteboard as soon as they complete their previous enrolment.


    Adds more information about the step. The description is optional.

    For Event-based Whiteboards​



    ​All Groups​

    Allows contacts from every group on your Engage system to enter the whiteboard plan.

    ​Specific Group​

    Allows contacts from a single group on your Engage system to enter the whiteboard plan.

    ​Group Membership Status​

    Allows contacts who have active status in the Engage group or groups that you select as your whiteboard audience to enter the plan. Engage checks the status of each contact at the moment that the whiteboard plan activates. 

    ​In a Segment

    Filters which contacts in the selected whiteboard audience group or groups can enter the plan. Only contacts in the whiteboard audience who match the segment criteria when the whiteboard activates can enter the whiteboard plan. The  symbol opens a list of all available segments in your Engage system.


    Adds more information about the step. The description is optional.

    You enter when your event-based whiteboard starts and ends in the ​Setup​ panel.

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