Use a Content Element in an Email
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    Use a Content Element in an Email

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    To use a media file from the content store in an email. For example, you can add an image to an email with the placeholder generated by the content store.


    Upload and store the media file in the content store. For instructions, see Upload a New File to the Content Store.


    Copy the Mapp Engage Variable for the Content Element

    1. In the main navigation​ menu, click Content Management​ > Content Store > the tab for the media type you want to insert in the email.

    2. Click the content element.

    3. In the Details area, copy the placeholder with the label ​Placeholder for Email. The variable has the following format: <%InsertCSE id="xxxxx"%>.

    Insert the Placeholder in the Email

    1. Open the Compose Message window of the desired email message.

    2. In the location where you want to have the image or media file, paste the placeholder.

    3. At the bottom of the Compose Message window, expand the area Advanced Options.

    4. From the drop-down list ​Image Handling, select the list item Images are Left Untouched.

    5. During sendout, the placeholder is replaced by the content store element.

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