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Hide a Link in the Online Version
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To hide a link in an email that you do not want to be visible in the online version of the message.
Background Information
Mapp Engage offers several variables that allow your contacts to read a message in a web browser:
Read Message Online (HTML) or Read Message Online (Text) is a Mapp Engage Variable that you can drag and drop into your email. Mapp Engage creates a version of your email and makes this version available on a web page. When your contacts click this link, they can read the email in their web browsers.
Read Message Online (Mobile/HTML) or Read Message Online (Mobile/Text) is a Mapp Engage Variable that creates an online version of your email. This email version is optimized for mobile devices. When you send the message, Mapp Engage displays the PC content only in the email inbox. Mapp Engage creates a link to the mobile version and places this link at the top of the email. To view the mobile version, the contact clicks a link at the top of the email. The mobile version of your message is displayed in the web browser.
You can remove the read online or read mobile version links from the online version of the email. This link is not needed here because the contact is already viewing the web version or mobile version of the email.
You can use this method to hide any link in the online version or in the mobile version of your email.
In your email message, locate the link that you want to hide in the online version.
Use the following InsertIf tags to hide the content in the online version:
<%InsertIf expression="${action != 'inline'}"%> .... <%/InsertIf%>. Place the link between the two tags.Send the message as usual.
⇒ After sendout, Mapp Engage only displays the link in the inbox. The link is hidden in the online version or in the mobile version of your email.
The message contains the following link to read the message online:
<a href="<%domain['webDomain']%>/public/read_message.jsp?<%login.Signature%> &mid=<%${message['PK']}%>">Read online</a>
The HTML code that is used to hide the link in the online version has the following format:
<%InsertIf expression="${action != 'inline%><a href="<%domain['webDomain']}%>/public/read_message.jsp?<%login.Signature}%> &mid=<%${message['PK']}%>Read online</a> <%/InsertIf%>.
Related Topics
Create a Mobile Version of an Email
Insert a Read Online Link