How to define website goals
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    How to define website goals

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    Article summary


    When using website goals, all central goals are quickly available for analyzing and filtering.

    Furthermore, the calculation of the customer journey is based on website goals. Thus, you can analyze for each website goal, which campaigns participated in the goal achievement.

    Step 1: Data basis

    The website goal "Order" is predefined. As a further goal "Product Added to the Shopping Cart" can be set up.

    An order is always tracked, when the order value is submitted to Mapp Intelligence. "Product Added to the Shopping Cart" is based on the product status submitted in the e-commerce tracking.

    If you want to define further goals (e.g. newsletter subscription, registration...), separate e-commerce parameters have to be used for each goal.

    For doing so, set up the parameters at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Custom Parameters > E-Commerce Parameter and submit the data at the corresponding points.

    Please note: As soon as a parameter is tracked (no matter which value is submitted), the goal is set as achieved. As a consequence, it wouldn't make sense to submit the value "No" for the goal "Newsletter Registration" for all users, which did not achieve that goal. When doing so, the goal would be set as achieved in all cases.

    Step 2: Defining website goals

    Website goals can be set up and edited at Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Goal. You choose a name (e.g. "Newsletter Registration"), a description (only visible at the configuration of the website goal), and the conversion point (e.g. the defined e-commerce parameter).

    Besides the default attribution model further models, that are calculated for this website goal, can be configured for the campaign evaluation via "Alternativ Attribution".

    Step 3: Analysis and usage

    Select Marketing > Website Goals for analyzing, how often goals were achieved.

    Website goals are also available in the filter engine for limiting to important conversion points.

    Further information about the analysis and use of website goals in Mapp Intelligence can be found in the training chapter Analysis of Goal Achievement.

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