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KPIs: Import individual target values and monitor their achievement
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The depiction of target values is crucial for meaningful reporting. Target values can be imported to Mapp Intelligence with a time category. For each target, a separate time category has to be used.
In our case, the import is done via an Excel file. Alternatively, other interfaces (e.g. JSON, Datafeed) can be used. The example below shows how a number of orders per day can be integrated as a target.
Step 1: Setup a Time Category
Time categories can be set up via Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Categories > Time Categories. First, choose a name (e.g. "Objective: Qty Orders"), a description, a Category ID (not relevant for data import), the Datatype (always "Figure" for time categories), and Aggregation (select "Sum").
Step 2: Import Target Values
In Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Categories click on the symbol in the right corner of the tab Time Categories to display the Import/Export dialogue layer.
In the tab Export choose a single day and click on Export.
Mapp Intelligence allows one data import per hour. Thus, the Excel file shows all hours of the chosen day.
In our example, we set one objective for each day. We have to provide the daily value for one hour of the day. In our example, we use the hour 0 for doing so.
We adjust the Excel file by amending all days (with the hour 00), for which we want to import data and set each daily objective in column B.
An example file can be found at the end of this article.
Please note: It is also possible to upload data for days in the future.
Afterward, the updated Excel file can be imported via "Import".
Please note, that it usually takes about one hour until the import is processed.
Step 3: Set up a Custom Formula
As a next step, we set up a formula that compared target and current status.
Click on Mapp Intelligence > Custom Figures > Custom Formulas > Create Formula and define the following formula:
Please make sure to import target values for all desired analysis time periods. If no target values exist, the result of this calculation is "0".
Step 4: Analysis
The imported target values (time category "Objective: Qty Orders") and the formula "Objective Achievement % Qty Orders", which we created in step 3, can now be used in any desired analyses.
An example for the use in the days analysis:
Please note, that we imported objectives on a daily basis for this example. As a consequence, the analysis of objective achievement does not make sense on an hourly or minute basis.
Excel file: Example Import Objective Orders.xls