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149 Articles
in this category
Active Users daily (DAU)
Shows the number of unique users on one single day. The acronym DAU means "daily active users" (which is a common term in the international web analytics community). Calculation is done similarly to the metric "visitors", which is shown for one ...
Active Users monthly (MAU)
Shows the number of unique users within the last 30 days, starting at the designated day. The acronym MAU means "monthly active users" (which is a common term in the international web analytics community). This metric can only be used for the d...
Active Users weekly (WAU)
Shows the number of unique users within the last 7 days, starting at the designated day. The acronym WAU means "weekly active users" (which is a common term in the international web analytics community). This metric can only be used for the dime...
Avg Run Time
Shows the average time a media is viewed. Example: A) A user watches a video for 30 seconds, rewinds it and watches another 20 seconds. The "Run Time" is 30 seconds. B) The same video is viewed by another visitor until the 10th seco...
The number of visits in which only one page was accessed. Note : Actions such as clicking external links are still considered bounces, as they do not involve additional tracked page views. In these cases, the total Page Impressions for the visit...
Browsers, Unique
This metric shows how many different web browsers were used. The metric is calculated using cookies. A cookie is unique for each device and browser. If User Centric Tracking is deactivated, the metrics "Browsers, Unique" and "Visitor...
Campaign Audience
Shows the size of the target group (e.g. number of newsletter recipients, feed/tweet subscribers). This is a predefined campaign category. The corresponding data has to be imported.
[Campaign Category with Time Reference]
This metric shows a numerical value imported via a self-defined campaign category. The values have a time reference. Time-based categories allow you to import numerical values for campaigns, pages, products, and media on a daily basis. If you se...
Campaign Clicks
Shows how often a campaign was clicked. It is considered how often a data source of an advertising medium was tracked. Data sources of campaigns are: Example: A user uses two links in a newsletter: Days analysis (Visitors > ...
Campaign Clicks (imported)
Shows, how often a campaign was clicked. This information was not directly tracked by Mapp Intelligence but imported.
Campaign Costs
Shows the costs, that were submitted to Mapp Intelligence. Information on importing campaign costs can be found in the training chapter Campaign Configuration .
Campaign Lifecycle Contacts
Shows, how often a campaign was clicked within customer journeys Example:
Campaign Lifecycle Duration (Days)
Shows the number of days, that passed from the first campaign contact to the achievement of a website goal. The value is accumulated overall customer journeys. This metric is usually not directly used in analyses but for calculations in custom form...
Campaign Views
Shows, how often a campaign was viewed on the own website. Campaign views can be tracked by submitting a corresponding parameter. Campaign views, that happen outside of the own website, can be imported and are depicted with the metric "Campaign Vi...
Campaign Views (imported)
Shows, how often campaigns have been viewed. This information was not directly tracked by Mapp Intelligence but imported.
Click (Ads)
Shows, how often a specific ad is clicked in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Clicks".
Shows how often an event (e.g. click on links on a page, downloads) was tracked. Example: A user views the page "Home" and clicks on the search button (Event), changes the sorting afterwards (Event) and then views the product detail page. ...
Clicks (Keyword)
Shows, how often a specific keyword is clicked in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Clicks".
Contacts in Customer Journey, Unique
Shows the amount of customer journeys in which a campaign was clicked. Example: The following 2 customer journeys have been tracked. The analysis of the customer journeys yields the following results:
Contact Value in Customer Journey
Shows the conversion value a campaign contact contributed to within the customer journey . To each contact, the total Conversion value of the customer journey is assigned. Example for the default attribution "Last campaign": Similar Fi...
[Content Group]
This is metric is a "Content group". Here, static number values for a page can be tracked. Unfortunately, we cannot provide further information on the specific metric, as each content group is configured in your Mapp Intelligence system. For furthe...
[Content Group with Time Reference]
This metric shows a numerical value imported via a self-defined content group. The values have a time reference. Time-based categories allow you to import numerical values for campaigns, pages, products, and media on a daily basis. If you select...
Conversion Initiator
Shows, how often the campaign was the first contact within the customer journey. At least 2 campaign contacts have to exist. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status within the customer journey: Conversion Initiator Conversion Supp...
Shows, how often website goals (e.g. order, contact request) were achieved. If you are using multiple website goals, the sum of all achieved website goals is depicted. Filter on specific website goals or add it as a dimension to analysis, to differ...
Conversion Supporter
Shows, how often the campaign participated in a customer journey while neither being the first nor the last contact. At least 3 campaign contacts have to exist. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status within the customer journey: Conve...
Conversion Transformer
Shows, how often the campaign was the last contact in the customer journey. Mapp Intelligence differentiates between 3 status within the customer journey: Conversion Initiator Conversion Supporter Conversion Transformer If the customer ...
The conversionvalue is based on a tracked conversion, thus a website goal was achieved. Depending on the website goal the conversionvalue is: Website goal "Order": Conversionvalue = Order Value Website goal "Product added to the Cart": Conver...
Costs (Ad)
Shows the costs for a specific ad in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help.
Costs (Keyword)
Shows the costs for a specific keyword in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help.
CTR (Ad)
Shows the ratio of Impressions to Clicks for a specific ad in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Clickthro...
CTR (Keyword)
Shows the ratio of Impressions to Clicks for a specific Keyword in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Clic...
Cumulated Order Value (Month N)
The metric of the cohorts analysis shows, how the total order value developed per month since the first visit. Use the metric with the dimension "Cohorts (Monthly)". Month 0 =The cumulated order value within the first 29 days. Month 1 =The ...
[Custom figure]
This is a custom metric or formula. We cannot provide further information on the calculation of the figure, as each custom metric and custom formula is configured individually in your Mapp Intelligence system. Please check if the creator of the ...
Duration (Seconds)
Shows how long an access lasted in seconds (in sum). The value is cumulated for all users; therefore, it does not show an average value. This metric is usually not used directly in an analysis but for calculating custom formulas . The page du...
[E-Commerce Parameter]
This metric shows a number that was tracked via an e-commerce parameter. Please note that this value is cumulated across all actions, page impressions, visits and visitors. The standard scope of this metric is "Actions" or "Direct". We cannot p...
Engagement (Campaigns)
Shows the accumulated amount of e-commerce events, that a user generated in the course of a visit after a campaign click. All e-commerce events on the campaign landingpage are not considered for the calculation of the engagement. The same goes f...
Shows how many visits were started in the analysis period. This metric is often used in the pages analysis. Example: A user views the following pages: Pages Analysis ( Navigation > Pages > Pages ) In the pages analysis, the ex...
[Event Parameter]
This metric shows a number that was tracked via an event parameter. Please note that this value is cumulated across all events, page impressions, visits and visitors. The standard scope of this metric is Actions . We cannot provide further inf...
Shows how many visits ended in the analysis period. This metric is often used in the pages analysis. Example: A user views the following pages: Page Analysis ( Navigation > Pages > Pages ) In the page analysis, the ex...
Last Form Field Cursor (Abandoned Form)
This metric shows how often a field was the last one a user interacted with before the form was abandoned. There does not need to be a follower page tracked to collect this information. Example You have a form with 3 required fields: Name...
Hours prior to Conversion
Shows the number of hours between ad media contact and attainment of a website goal. This metric can be used, e.g., to filter customer journeys. Example for using this metric in a filter: Consider only campaigns that were used 24 to 48 hours b...
Impressions (Ad)
Shows, how often a specific ad is displayed in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Impressions".
Impressions (Keyword)
Shows, how often a specific keyword is displayed in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Impressions".
[Media Category]
This is a custom metric of the type "Media Category". Here, static number values for a media stream can be tracked. We cannot provide further information on the specific metric, as each media category is configured in your Mapp Intelligence system....
Media Chapters
With media chapters a movie is separated steps by 10 %. Thus, media player events like play, seek or pause can be analyzed. Example: Movie length 10 minutes Media chapter 1 : 0-9.99 % = > 1 minute Media chapter 2 : 10-19.99 % = 1-1:59...
Media Run Time
Shows the length of a media multiplied with the amount of views. This metric is usually not directly used in analyses but for calculations in custom formulas. The Media Run Time is shown in the format HH:MM:SS (e.g. 00:02:30 for 2 minutes and 30 s...
Media Viewers
Media Viewers are all visitors that watched at least one media stream (dimension "Media"). For this metric, it is not relevant how long the media stream was viewed.
Media Views
Shows, how often media was started. It is based on the media event "init".
Media Views complete
Shows, how often media were viewed completely. It requires the value "eof" being submitted as media event (parameter "mk").
[Metric] ([Attribution Model], [Internal|External Campaign]), [Website Goal]
Shows (depending on the metric) how often a campaign was tracked or which value was assigned to a campaign according to the attribution model. In the name of the metric, you can identify the name of the attributed metric, which attribution mo...
New Visits
New visits are all visits of visitors, that had not visited the website before. Mapp Intelligence identifies such visits as those where there is no cookie detected or no known Customer ID transmitted. Because some users regularly delete cookies, ...
Order Value
Shows the monetary value of the tracked orders. The order value can differ from the value purchased products in case the order value includes shipping costs, discounts or other items impacting the end amount paid by the customer. Mapp Intelligen...
Order Value ([Attribution Model], [Internal|External Campaign]), [Website Goal]
Shows the order value that was assigned to a campaign according to the attribution model. In the name of the metric, you can identify which attribution model is used to calculate the metric, whether only external, or internal, or all campaign...
Order Value in Visit
Shows the monetary value of all tracked orders within a visit. The order value can differ from the value purchased products in case the order value includes shipping costs, discounts or other items impacting the end amount paid by the customer. I...
Page Duration Avg
Shows how many seconds passed on average until the next page was accessed. Often this figure is used to evaluate marketing campaigns or entry pages. For the last page in a visit (exit page) the Page Duration cannot be determined. 30 seconds are...
Page Impressions
Shows how often a single page was viewed. Each view counts once (i.e., a reload counts as one view). Example: A user views three pages: For the corresponding day, three page impressions are shown: Please note that this does not s...
Page Impressions, Unique
Shows how many different pages were viewed. The metric does not relate to a visitor or visit. Example: Two users view different pages: Days analysis On the corresponding day, 3 "Page Impressions, Unique" are counted because 3 different ...
[Page Parameter]
This metric shows a number that was tracked via a page parameter. Please note that this value is cumulated across all page impressions, visits and visitors. The standard scope of this metric is "Pages". We cannot provide further information on ...
Play Duration
Shows, how many seconds of the media were actually played, accumulated across all views of the media. Example User A watches a video for 30 seconds, rewinds it, and watches another 20 seconds. The Play Duration for User A is 50 seconds, regardless...
Position (Ad)
Shows the average ranking position, on which an ad is placed in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Average p...
Position in Campaign Lifecycle
Shows an accumulation of all positions in the customer journey. Example: In a customer journey campaign A was accessed on the first and third position. "Position in Campaign Lifecycle" is "4". The metric is necessary for calculating the average p...
Position (Keyword)
Shows the average ranking position, on which a keyword is placed in Google Ads. This metric is imported when using the Google Ads API . If you have questions about the definition, please use the Google Help. The name of the metric there is "Avera...
Position prior to Conversion
Shows the position, on which the campaign was used within the customer journey prior to the achievement of the website goal. When analyzing multiple customer journeys, the value is accumulated. This metric is often used for filtering or calculating...
Process Step Amount
Shows, how often a process step was accessed. Directly subsequent accesses of the same step are not counted again. The specific calculation of the metric (e.g., per visit, per user) depends on the process's configuration. Additional Information ...
Process Step Conversions
Shows the number of times the following mandatory or optional process step was accessed for each process step. For the last process step, all accesses are counted as conversions. The fact on how the conversion is counted depends explicitly on the ...
Process Step Exits
Shows the number of times the following mandatory or optional process step was not accessed for each process step. The fact on how the exit is counted depends explicitly on the chosen validity in the configuration of the process: Validity "Proc...
[Product Category]
This is a custom metric of the type "Product Category". Here, static values on a product can be tracked. We cannot provide further information on this metric as each product category is configured in your Mapp Intelligence system. For further ques...
[Product Category with Time Reference]
This is a custom metric of the type "Product Category". Here, number values with time reference can be collected for a product. We cannot provide further information on this metric as each product category is configured in your Mapp Intelligence sy...
Product List Position
Shows, on which position products were viewed in the list. Please note, that this information is also available in the other product status (viewed, added to cart, purchased). Thus, for a meaningful analysis the analysis has to be filtered on a spe...
Qty Abandoned Form Fields
Shows the amount of all fields on a form which was not submitted in the end. Please note: Tracking is only possible, if the users opens a following page after the form.
Qty Abandoned Forms
Shows, how often a form was not sent/submitted. Abandoned means, that the form was accessed but not submitted.
Qty Ad Media, Unique
Shows the amount of different ad media, that were used. This metric does not relate to a visitor or visit. Example: Two users are using different ad media: Days analysis On the corresponding day, 3 "Qty Ad Media, Unique" are shown becau...
Qty Brand Search
Shows, how often a brand keyword was used in an external search request via the search engine. The brand keyword has to be denoted in the marketing configuration ( Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration > Brand Search > Brand Keyw...
Qty Campaign Source
Shows how often a referrer (i.e., a website that links to your website) where a URL parameter was passed has been tracked. Example: A user clicks on a paid campaign at Facebook that is to which a URL parameter has been added: If the URL parame...
Qty [Content Group]
This metric shows how often a custom content group of the datatype Figure was tracked. Depending on the configuration of the category, there may also be a metric without "Qty" in the name which shows the sum of the values. We cannot provide further...
Qty [E-Commerce Parameter]
This metric shows how often an e-commerce parameter was tracked. The standard scope of this metric is Actions or Direct . We cannot provide further information on the specific metric, as each metric belongs to a parameter that is configured in ...
Qty [Event Parameter]
This metric shows how often an event parameter was tracked. The standard scope of this metric is Actions . We cannot provide further information on the specific metric as each metric belongs to a parameter configured in your Mapp Intelligence s...
Qty External Search Phrases
Shows, how often an access was made via an external search engine. A counting is made even if no search phrase could be determined (it is not possible for https requests).
Qty External Search Words
Shows, how often search words were tracked via external search engines. A counting is made even if no search word could be determined (it is not possible for https requests).
Qty Form Fields Data
Shows, how often form fields were filled out. The filled out form fields can either be sent or abandoned. A form field is tracked as filled out, when at least one character was entered (for text fields) or the field was activated (for check boxes, ...
Qty Form Fields Displayed
Shows, how often a specific form field was loaded. No interaction has to be measured in order to track it. Example: The login page of a shop contains a form ("Login") with 2 fields: "Email Address" and "Password". If this page is accessed onc...
Qty Form Started
Shows, how often a form was accessed. For example, reloads count as further accesses, too. Under some circumstances the form is reloaded in case of error messages. Thus, we recommend tracking error messages via separate parameters and taking them ...
Qty Internal Search Phrases
Shows, how often the internal search of the website was used.
Qty Internal Search Words
Shows the amount of search words tracked via the onsite search.
Qty Last Form Field Cursor
Shows, how often a form field was the last field in a form to have the focus/cursor. This means, a mouse click was performed into this form field or a keyboard entry happened. It is not relevant, whether the form was abandoned or sent. Example: T...
Qty Media, Unique
Shows how many different media were used. Example: Two users are using different media: Days analysis On the corresponding day 3 "Qty Media, unique" are shown as 3 different media were used. Example for using this metric in a ...
Qty Media Player Actions
Shows, how often users performed an action in the media player. The following actions are supported: Standard media actions play pause stop seek Custom media actions It depends on the integration if all media actions are ava...
Qty Media Player Actions Unique
Counts unique per media, how often users performed an action in the media player. Example: A user does the following actions: Press "play" Press "pause" Press "play" The analysis will show: The following actions are supporte...
Qty Orders
Shows how many orders were tracked. Example: A user views different pages and performs an order at 13:05 o'clock: Days Analysis: At the corresponding day, one order has been tracked: Pages Analysis: As the strongest sc...
Qty Orders ([Attribution Model], [internal|external Campaign]), [Website Goal]
Shows the number of orders that have been assigned to a campaign according to the attribution model. Looking at the naming, you can see: Which attribution model is used to calculate the formula? Which campaigns are included in the calculation...
Qty Organic Source
Shows how often a referrer (i.e., a website that links to your website) has been tracked without a campaign based on a URL parameter. Calculation Is based on the metric Qty Sources Used filter:
Qty [Page Parameter]
This metric shows how often a page parameter was tracked. The standard scope of this metric is Pages . We cannot provide further information on the specific metric as each metric belongs to a parameter that is configured in your Mapp Intelligence...
Qty Products Added to Cart
Shows how many products were added to the shopping cart. If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution.
Qty [Product Category]
This metric shows how often a custom product category was tracked. Depending on the configuration of the category, there may also be a metric without "Qty" in the name which shows the sum of the values. The standard scope of this metric is Direct ...
Qty Product List Position
Shows, how often products were viewed in the list. Please note, that this information is also available in the other product status (viewed, added to cart, purchased). Thus, for a meaningful analysis the analysis has to be filtered on a specific pr...
Qty Products, Unique
Shows the number of different products. Please note that this metric is calculated independently of the product status. Therefore, we recommend to filter by the product status; alternatively, you can use the product status or product categories tha...
Qty Products Added to Wishlist
Shows how many products were added to the Wishlist. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Qty Products in Checkout
Shows the number of products in the shopping cart at checkout. Related Basic Metrics
Qty Products Removed from Cart
Shows the count of products removed from the shopping cart before checkout. Related Basic Metrics
Qty Products Removed from Wishlist
Shows the count of products removed from the wishlist. Related Basic Metrics
Qty Product Views
Shows how many products were viewed. If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Qty Purchased Products
Shows the amount of purchased products. At purchase products have to be labelled via the product status "conf". If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution. Further Information ...
Qty Purchased Products ([Attribution Model], [Internal|External Campaign]), [Website Goal]
Shows the number of purchased products that were assigned to a campaign according to the attribution model. In the name of the metric, you can identify: which attribution model is used to calculate the metric, whether only external, or intern...
Qty [Session Parameter]
This metric shows how often a session parameter was tracked. The standard scope of this metric is Visits . We cannot provide further information on the specific metric as each metric belongs to a parameter that is configured in your Mapp Intellig...
Qty Sources
Shows, how often the referrers were tracked. All referrer types (search engine, social media referrers, other sources) are taken into account. Example: A user visits your website via Google (Referrer: "") and starts with viewing ...
Qty [Time Category]
This metric shows how often a custom time category was tracked. Depending on the configuration of the category, there may also be a metric without "Qty" in the name which shows the sum of the values. We cannot provide further information on this me...
Qty [User Category]
This metric shows how often a custom User category of the datatype Figure was tracked. Depending on the category's configuration, a metric without "Qty" in the name may also show the sum of the values. The standard scope of this metric is Visits. ...
Rank in Basket
Shows on which ranking position in the shopping cart the product was placed at the time of the purchase. This metric is usually solely used for calculations in custom formulas, as the positions are simply summed up. Use the metric "Rank in Basket ...
Returning Visitor (Campaigns)
Shows the amount of visitors, that have already been at the website before and clicked a campaign. Returning visitors are identified by Mapp Intelligence, if a Mapp Intelligence cookie exists and/or a known customer ID is tracked.
Returning Visits
Returning visits are all visits of visitors, that had visited the website before. Mapp Intelligence identifies such visits as those where there is a Mapp Intelligence cookie detected or a known Customer ID transmitted. Because some users regularl...
Revenue Uplift
Displays the performance of the order value of an internal teaser relative to the average performance of all internal teasers. This metric only works, when you have teaser tracking active.
Run Time
Shows the maximum amount of time, that media are played. The value is accumulated over all views. This metric is usually not directly used in analyses but for calculations in custom formulas. Example: A user watches a video for 30 seconds, rewind...
[Session Parameter]
This metric shows a number that was tracked via a session parameter. Please note that this value is cumulated across all visits and visitors. The standard scope of this metric is Visits . We cannot provide further information on the speci...
[Time Category]
This is metric is a "Time Category". Here, numerical values that are related to time can be imported. The metric shows the sum of all values for the category. Time-based categories allow you to import numerical values for campaigns, pages, pr...
Time in Campaign Lifecycle (Days)
Shows the amount of days, that passed between the first campaign contact in a customer journey and the analyzed campaign contact. This metric should be used together with the dimension "Time in Campaign Lifecycle", which shows the date of the campa...
[User Category]
This is a "User Category" metric. Here, static numerical values for a user can be tracked. We cannot provide further information on this metric as each User category is configured in your Mapp Intelligence system. For further questions, please cont...
User Profile - Days Since First Contact
Shows the number of days that have passed since the first visit. This value is accumulated over all users. This value is recalculated every day. As this is a Profile metric, it is usually not useful to show the development over time. Additional I...
User Profile - Discount Value
Shows the accumulated discount values that a visitor got granted since his first contact up until his last visit. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference. The discount value has to be submi...
User Profile - Price Sensitivity
The User Profile - Price Sensitivity metric helps businesses understand how much customers are saving through discounts compared to their total spending. This insight allows marketers to tailor discount strategies for different users, ensuring the...
User Profile - Orders
Shows the accumulated number of orders a visitor made since his first contact in total. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference. Additional Information Training chapter Extended user-cent...
User Profile - Orders w. Discount
Shows the accumulated number of orders with a discount that a visitor made since his first contact up until his last visit. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference. The discount value has t...
User Profile - Order Value
Shows the accumulated order value, that a visitor generated since his first contact. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference. Additional Information Training chapter Extended user-centric...
User Profile - Page Impressions
Shows the accumulated number of page impressions that a visitor has generated since his first contact. Note that the use of this metric over time is usually not useful, as there is no time reference Additional Information Training chapter Exte...
User Profile - Returns
Shows the cumulated number of returns that a user generated from his first contact until his last visit. Note that analyzing the development of this metric over time is usually not useful because there is no time reference. The return must be pa...
User Profile - Visits
Shows the accumulated number of visits a user has generated from his first contact up to his last visit. Example: A user had his first visit on February 13 and performed 3 visits in total: The analysis for the whole time (Feb 13 to Feb 1...
User - Days between contacts
Shows how many days have passed between visits. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous visit in days for every visit. The first visit is not considered for the calculation. Please note, that the screenshot shows the dimension...
User - Days between orders
Shows how many days have passed between orders. Mapp Intelligence determines the distance to the previous order in days for each order. The number of days to the first visit is depicted for the first order. The amount of days is accumulated across...
User - Predicted Next Order Value
Shows the predicted order value for the next order of a customer in case the customer buys something. Predicted Conversion Probability, Predicted Churn Probability, Predicted Next Basket, and Predicted Customer Lifetime Value are part of Mapp Clou...
Value Products Added to Cart
Shows the monetary value of the products, that have been added to the shopping cart. If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution.
Value Products Added to Wishlist
Shows the monetary value of the products added to a wishlist. Related Basic Metrics
Value Products not Purchased
Shows the monetary value of the products added to the shopping cart, that were not purchased within the visit. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Value Products in Checkout
Shows the monetary value of the products in the customer's cart at checkout.
Value Products Removed from Cart
Shows the monetary value of the products removed from the customer's cart. Further information Training chapter Basic Metrics
Value Products Removed from Wishlist
Shows the monetary value of the products removed from the wishlist. Related Basic Metrics
Value Product Views
Shows the monetary value of the products, that have been viewed. If you use this metric in campaign analyses, the calculation is done based on the defined default attribution.
Value Purchased Products
Shows the monetary value of purchased products. This value can differ from the order value, because the value of purchased products, in contrast to the order value, does not consider shipping costs, discounts and other items that may impact the ...
A visitor (also: user) is defined as someone who has performed at least one visit on the website or in the app. Depending on the analysis, visitors are counted as either unique or unique per time interval (e.g. day/week/month). Example: Two u...
Visitors, Daily Unique
Shows the amount of different visitors per day. It is often used in analyses, that don't show a development over time (e.g. campaigns). Example: A visitor accesses the website on 2 different days. He is counted twice (e.g. in the campaign analysi...
Visitors, Monthly Unique
Shows the amount of different visitors per month. It is often used in analyses, that don't show a development over time (e.g. campaigns). Example: A visitor accesses the website on 3 different days within one month. He is counted only once (e.g. ...
Visitors, Weekly Unique
Shows the amount of different visitors per month. It is often used in analyses, that don't show a development over time (e.g. campaigns). Example: A visitor accesses the website on 3 different days within one week. He is counted only once (e.g. i...
Visitors, Yearly Unique
Shows the amount of different visitors per year. It is often used in analyses, that don't show a development over time (e.g. campaigns). Example: A visitor accesses the website in October, November and December. He is counted only once (e.g. in t...
Visitors (Campaigns)
Shows the number of visitors that have clicked at least one campaign. For doing so, all data sources are taken into account. Thus, with a complete campaign setup, "Visitors" and "Visitors (Campaigns)" are identical insofar as no time series is anal...
Visitors (CDB)
This metric shows the unique number of users. Besides cookie information, also the Customer ID (for all users that are logged in) and the Cross Device information (if a login happened at other sites that use the Cross Device Bridge). Compare this m...
A visit (or session) represents a user’s interaction with the website. It begins when a user views the first page or triggers the first event (such as clicking a link). The visit ends after 30 minutes of inactivity—meaning no pages were viewed or ev...
Visits (Campaigns)
Shows the number of visits in which at least one campaign was tracked. For doing so, all data sources are taken into account. Thus, with a complete campaign setup, "Visits" and "Visits (Campaigns)" are identical insofar as no time series is analyze...
Visits (Mediacode Entry)
Shows the number of visits, that started with campaigns based on an URL parameter. The basis for this is, that campaigns are measured in Mapp Intelligence. Further information Training chapter "Campaign Analyses"
Visits Organic
Shows the amount of visits, that did not start with a campaign basing on an URL parameter. The basis for this is, that campaigns are measured in Mapp Intelligence.
Visits with Brand Search Phrase
Shows the amount of visits, in which a brand keyword was tracked in the external search phrases via the search engine.
Visits with Search Phrase
Shows the amount of visits, that were initiated from a search engine.