Exit Rate Percent
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    Exit Rate Percent

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    Article summary

    Shows the share of exits on the number of visits.

    This formula is often used in the pages analysis.


    Exits / Visits * 100                                                                        

    An exit is assigned to the page that was viewed in the visit last.


    A user views the following pages:

    • Pages Analysis (Navigation > Pages > Pages)
      The pages analysis yields the following results:

      Calculation of "Exit Rate %" for the page "home"

      1 Exit / 2 Visits = 50 %        

    • Days Analysis (Visitors > Traffic)

      Calculation of "Exit Rate %"

      2 Exits / 2 Visits = 100 %

    Similar Figures

    Bounce Rate %
    Entry Rate %

    Further Information

    Training document Basic Metrics

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