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Create a New Email Message
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To create an email message that is based on an email template.
Content Management (Email) is an extra feature that must be enabled for your Mapp Engage system. For more information, contact your account manager.
An email template is created and saved in the Email Templates tab.
Blocks are created and saved in the Blocks tab.
Permission Number | Purpose |
2110 | Content Management: Use Blocks |
2120 | Content Management: Use Email Templates |
2130 | Content Management: Use Email Messages |
2131 | Content Management: Create Email Messages |
2131 | Content Management: Edit Email Messages |
Background Information
The Content area provides access to features you can use to create and organize reusable content in Mapp Engage. Here you can create email messages with predefined email templates.
Once selected, predefined templates allow you to focus on the content. The layout of your email message is prescribed in your email template configuration. With the help of the visual editor, you can create interesting content before you save your email message or prepare it for sendout.
A) Select Email Template
In the main navigation, click Content Management > Email > Email Messages.
Click Create to open the New Email Message window.
In the Name input field, define the message name.
From the Select Email Template table, select the desired email template.
Click Save. The email message is saved and opens in the Compose Email Message window.
Once you click the Save button, you cannot change the email template of the message. If you save a message with the wrong email template, create another email message.
B) Define Email Message Information
In the header area of the Compose Email Message window, click the
symbol. The Information panel for the email message slides open.
Enter information about your email message on the General tab of the Information panel.
The Name input field on the General tab is the only mandatory input field in the Information panel. However, we recommend that you enter a description for every message. The description helps you identify the message in your system. If you select Group from the drop-down menu, you can use related Group Membership Attributes as sendout conditions.
Enter values for global variables in the email message on the Advanced tab.
Close the Information panel.
To save the information that you entered, click Save. This step is optional but recommended.
C) Build Email Message Content
In the Subject input field, enter the subject of your email message.
The message subject is mandatory for email messages. This input field defines the subject line that appears in the email inbox of your contact. Mapp Engage does not limit the number of characters you enter in this field. However, we suggest that your subject line is approximately 50 characters. In Mapp Engage, you can personalize the email subject line with a personalisation placeholder.
Click the Components tab.
Drag blocks from the Components tab onto the visual editor.
Arrange the blocks in the desired order.
Fill the blocks with content.
To save your changes, click Save.
To cancel the message creation and disregard your changes, click Close.
To start or schedule sendout of your email message, click Prepare Sendout and follow the next steps.
D) Prepare Sendout
Click the Prepare Sendout button.
In the Prepare Sendout window, select the sendout group, apply a segment, and prepare other sendout settings.
Related Topics
Content Management for Email Messages
Content Management - Email Messages (tab)
New Email Message (window)
Compose Email Message (window)
Configuration for Sendout