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Link Analysis (tab)
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Navigation Path
In the main navigation, click
Statistics > Group Messages > Email.
In the Actions column, click
| View Statistics or the
In the Recipient Activity area, click View Details.
Click Recipient Activity.⇒ The Recipient Activity window opens to the Link Analysis tab.
The Link Analysis Tab
The Link Analysis tab is visible when you open the Recipient Activity window. This tab displays which links in the message were most often clicked by recipients. All of the system links included in the message are also listed here and analyzed by recipients and clicks.
System links for a message are only analyzed here in the Link Analysis tab if the setting Tracking for System Links was activated in the group settings before sendout.
For more information, see Tracking & Links (Tab).
System links of the same type (e.g. subscribe link in HTML and text) that are clicked multiple times are collectively tracked and displayed together in the link analysis.
Top 5 Links: CTR
This bar chart displays the 5 links that were clicked most often by recipients. If the message did not contain any links, the bar chart and the table display the message No data to display.
The links are listed according to CTR.
Print and Export Options
The following options are available:
Print: The drop-down list item Print prints the chart.
Export: The drop-down list item Export exports the chart as an image file.
Available Information (columns of the table)
This table lists all links in the message and provides information about recipients and clicks.
The links are sorted according to Accepted Rate or CTR. Click on the corresponding label in the grey bar to change the sorting method.
URL/Name: The column URL/ Name displays the URL and the name of the link or system link. If you scroll the mouse over the link, a tooltip appears that displays the complete URL as well as whether the link was an HTML or text link. If the URL is a linked image, the name includes the designation [IMAGE]. The ALT text for the image is also displayed in the Name area. Clicking on the name of the image opens the image URL in a new browser window.
Category: This column displays the link category of the link. Link categories are automatically assigned using expression language and based on defined criteria (for more information see Link Category Analysis (tab).
Accepted/Rate: This column displays the number and rate of recipients of a certain link in the message.
Accepted: This is the number of messages containing this specific link that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes messages delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the client server and did not produce a bounce.
According to the eec, accepted links are calculated as follows:Accepted = Messages Sent with this link - Bounced messages with this link
Rate: This entry displays the percentage of messages containing this specific link that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes emails delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
This is calculated as follows:Accepted Rate = Accepted messages with this link / Messages Sent with this link
Clickers/CTR: This entry displays the number and rate of clicks on a certain link in the message.
Clickers: This entry displays the number of recipients who have clicked on the respective link in the message. Even if a recipient clicks on a link multiple times, it only counts once.
CTR (Click Through Rate): The number of recipients who click on a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.
This is calculated as follows:CTR = Clickers per link / Accepted messages per link
Total Clicks: This entry displays the total number of clicks on this link.
Link Analysis: System Links
System links make it possible to create and insert message links to special customer-specific websites in the Engage system, for example, to forward a message to recipients who are not in the group. System links are inserted into the message using Engage Variables during the message creation process. For more information, see Mapp Engage Variables - System Links.
System links for a message are only analyzed here in the Link Analysis tab if the setting Tracking for System Links was activated in the group settings before sendout.
For more information, see Tracking & Links (Tab).
System links of the same type (e.g. subscribe link in HTML and text)that are clicked multiple times are collectively tracked and displayed together in the link analysis.
The following system links are displayed in the link analysis:
Profile edit link: Adds a link to an Engage website where the recipient can edit his own profile data stored in the Engage system.
Read message online: Adds a link to an online version of the newsletter.
Forward Message: Adds a link to an Engage website where the recipient can enter email addresses to whom the message will be forwarded.
Subscribe Link: Adds a link to a subscribe page for Engage.
Unsubscribe Link: Adds a link to an unsubscribe page for Engage.