New Contact Profile (window)
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    New Contact Profile (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience​ > ​Contact Management> All Contacts.

      ⇒An overview of all the contacts opens.

    2. Click ​Create​.

      ⇒The ​New Contact Profile​ window opens.


    In this window, you create a contact profile that adds a single contact to your Mapp Engage system.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Add an individual contact to your system.

    • Create a contact profile for testing purposes.

    • Define the unique identifier with which Mapp Engage identifies the contact within the system.


    Mapp Engage does not assign the new contact to a group automatically. Until you add the contact to a group, the contact receives only system messages and single messages for which they match the selection criteria

    Related Topics​


    This drop-down list defines how Mapp Engage identifies the contact in the system. Mapp Engage uses the identifier to store and locate the contact. Therefore, each contact must have at least one unique identifier.

    If the identifier data that you enter for a contact is already in use, an error results. By default, Mapp Engage does not create multiple contact profiles with the same identifier.




    Identifies the contact with an email address. Enter a valid email address that is unique within the system.

    ​Mobile Number​

    Identifies the contact with a mobile number. Enter the mobile number with a + sign and the country code. Mapp Engage needs the country code to send messages to the mobile device correctly.

    ​App Alias​

    Identifies the contact with a mobile app alias. Enter a valid string.





    Adds the new contact profile to the system and opens the ​Contact Profile​ window. Here you can enter more information about the contact.


    Closes the window. Mapp Engage does not create a contact profile or save your changes.

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