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Profile Attributes
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The profile attributes store data about your contacts. Together, the profile attributes create a complete picture of each contact.
You can use the data that is stored in the profile attributes for message personalization and to create selection criteria in segments.
When you store rich and full profile data you can develop targeted, personalized marketing programs that are tailored for individual contacts.
You can also use the profile attributes for target analysis in the Statistics area. Target analysis lets you compare the success of your message with different target audiences. For example, you can see whether a message performs better with men or women.
Types of Profile Attributes
Mapp Engage offers two kinds of profile attributes:
Standard attributes
Custom attributes
Standard Attributes
Mapp Engage offers several standard attributes to store contact profile data. These attributes default in every system. You cannot delete or rename these attributes.
The following standard attributes store information that is used to identify your contacts in Mapp Engage.
Mobile number
Mobile app alias
External identifier
The following standard attributes store more personal information about your contacts.
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Preferred name
Source ID
Postal code
Time zone
To find out more about the syntax of attributes, see Attribute References.
Custom Attributes
You can create your own profile attributes to store data about a contact. These attributes are called custom attributes.
Custom attributes store the data about your contacts that are relevant to your digital marketing needs and strategies. Custom attributes give you almost unlimited flexibility for the information you choose to store for each contact in Mapp Engage. You can select the data type and decide whether the attribute is enumerated.
Household size, income bracket, and level of education are some common examples. However, there is no limit to the kinds of information you can store in attributes. You can also create custom attributes to store message activity data, conversion data, and more.
You can create custom attributes when you import a file with contact data into Mapp Engage. The format depends on the file type (CSV, XML, or text).
For more information, see:
To create custom attributes manually, see Create Custom Attribute.
Profile attributes are either enumerated or not enumerated.
Enumerated: All values entered in the attribute are used to create a drop-down list to select from e.g. in segmentation. For example, a custom attribute that is named "Title" is enumerated with the possible values Dr., Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Ms.
Not enumerated: Any value is possible. For example, the attributes "First Name" and "Last Name" are not enumerated.
To create, edit or remove an enumeration, see Create, Edit, or Delete Enumeration.
Store Data in Profile Attributes
You can add data to profile attributes when you import a file with contact data into Mapp Engage. The contact record in the import file must contain an address so Mapp Engage can associate the data with the correct profile. Mapp Engage uses different addresses for each channel: email address, mobile number, or mobile app alias.
Mapp Engage offers several import modes so that you can sync profile data with an external system.
You can also manually change the profile data for a contact in the Contact Management area of Mapp Engage.
Using the Profile Attributes
Profile data is the key to personalized digital marketing. The more profile data that you store for your contacts, the more you can target and personalize your message campaigns.
You can use the data that is stored in the profile attributes to create personalized messages. Personalization placeholders allow you to insert a value from a profile attribute into an email. For example, During sendout, Mapp Engage replaces the tag with the profile value. Personalization rules create multiple versions of a message for different recipients or target groups, depending on their profile data.
For more information, see Personalization.
You can use profile attribute data to create segments. A segment is a filter that selects contacts based on criteria that you define. Segments enable you to send targeted messages to a specific audience. For example, you can create segments that identify contacts who live in a certain area, speak the same language or have a birthday today.
For more information, see Segmentation Builder.
Target Group Analysis
You can also use the profile attributes for target group analysis in the Statistics area. Target analysis lets you compare the success of your message with different target audiences. For example, you can see whether a message performs better with men or women.
For instructions, see Select Attributes for Target Group Analysis.
Add Behaviour Data to Profile Attributes
You can create automations that store many types of information in the profile attributes. For example, you can store open and click data, conversion data, and other types of contact activity in the profile attributes. You can also create an attribute to count the number of times that a contact performs an action.
For more information, see Store Data in Profile Attribute (C).
Here are two automation scenarios for enriching contact profiles:
Program | Scenario | Benefits |
Create a contact scoring program. Contacts get points when they open a message (1 point), click a link (2 points), or complete a purchase (3 points). |
| |
Set up an ongoing program that stores open, click, purchase, and interest data in contact profiles. |
Mappings and Operations
Profile-based automation is an automated modification of contact profiles in Mapp Engage. Profile-based automation uses the value that is stored in one or more source attributes to determine the new value that is written to a target attribute.
Profile-based automations have a wide variety of applications.
There are two types of profile-based automation:
A type of automated profile change that uses the data that is stored in a contact profile to derive a new value. The new value is stored in a different attribute. Mapping allows you to perform a complex comparison and analysis of profile values.Operation
An operation consists of expression language that is applied to a profile attribute with the data type string, number, or date. You can use an operation to derive or calculate a new attribute value.
For more information, see Profile-Based Automations.